There are few things more powerful than a child's imagination.
Whether they dream of being a famous musician performing to thousands, an astronaut piloting a shuttle deep into outer space, or a prima ballerina twirling across the largest stage in the world, a child's imagination and dream for their future is limitless when nurtured and encouraged.
Childcare Resources' programs and services focus on helping children access quality care and early education opportunities they need not only to survive, but to thrive.
With a donation to support our Next Generation Campaign, you make it possible for children to become the architects of their own lives by providing the necessary resources and critical skills needed to turn their dreams for their futures into reality.
"Their education was the most important thing to me."
John, a Supplemental Child Care Program Participant, shares how Childcare Resources has impacted his life and the lives of his children.
"We pride ourselves on providing quality care... without Childcare Resources, we wouldn't be able to do that."
Hear from Kristina how Childcare Resources has supported her program.
If this article and your gift to Childcare Resources crossed paths in the mail, we thank you for your continued support of our mission!