The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a Supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open. This updated resource provides guidance specific to child care on issues such as:
General preparedness and planning
Preventing the spread of COVID-19
Monitoring and planning for absenteeism among your staff
Reviewing plans for implementing social distancing strategies
Assessing group gathering and events
Join this important webinar presented by Alexandra Levitt, Heidi Hotvedt, and
Melissa Juhl from Child Care Aware of America for more information about the Supplemental Guidance for Child Care Programs that Remain Open. The webinar will be recorded and shared with all registrants.
The guidance also provides details for providers and programs that choose to remain open, focusing on social distancing strategies, cleaning and disinfection efforts, modifying drop-off and pick-up procedures, caring for infants and toddlers, healthy hand hygiene behavior, food preparation and meal service, vulnerable and high-risk groups and how best to maintain adequate rations of staff to children to ensure safety. It also provides numerous links to resources that provide even greater detail, including information regarding children’s risks concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19).